For 748sf Model Home Material ————————— ✔ included; X not included) Labor —————————— ✔ included; X not included)
设计图纸 , Structure, T24, 上门测量,和city 沟通 (we provide service)
survey (if needed) X X
Civil Engineer (if needed) X X
City Permit Fee X X
slab foundation (up to $30,000) client need pay any amount exceed
Steel Frame 材料 + 人工 (毛坯房)
8’ Wall Framing 结构
Metal Roof 锌铝镁 屋顶高级建材
Roof Water Prove 屋顶防水
Insulation 保温
Exterior 外墙
Sheetrock 灰板
Painting 油漆
Plumbing 水 (Inside Wall Only)
Electrical 电 (Inside Wall Only)
Exterior Door 大门
Exterior Door lights大门口路灯 x 2
Below are Finish Material (中档) Included Labor Included
kitchen 厨柜
洗衣机 烘干机
Bath Doors 卧室门 x 2 doors total
卫生间厨柜 x 2rooms total
洗手台水龙头 x 2
Bath Room Fan with lights 厕所排风扇带灯 x 2
toilet x 2rooms total
Bath Room Tower Rack 毛巾架 x 2
show set x 2rooms total
Show set 水龙头 + 开关 x2
Water Heater
Bed Doors 卧室门 x 2 doors total
Laundry Room folding Door 门
窗 x 7 windows total
地板 (up to $3.00 per SF) client need pay any amount exceed
LED Lights
Light Switches
AC system X
大门雨棚 (optional) X
Other Labor
Wall Texture 喷花 X X
Solar X X
landscaping X X
Pluming outside the ADU X X
Electric outside the ADU X X
电箱升级 X X